Our Initiatives


The Annual Children's Christmas Drive

In its sixth year, the annual children’s Christmas drive aims to give underprivileged children, living a difficult life, at least one day a year of joy – a memorable Christmas. Bringing together spirit of giving in our people and the substantial needs in our communities, we collect contributions – in cash and in kind – and deliver them with Christmas cheer to needy children in our communities. To date, we have made significant contributions to Sanyu Babies Home (which rescues and revives abandoned babies), the Akiba Home of the Bless A Child Foundation (a home for kids from rural Uganda, fighting cancer and receiving treatment away from home) and the Angels Center for Children with Special Needs.


The Leg Up Program: Making Microentrepreneurs

The Leg Up program focuses on giving low-income individuals a sustainable living by giving them a leg up in life, rather than a hand out

The program looks to develop these financially-fragile individuals to financial security by developing them into micro-entrepreneurs. Not only are these new entrepreneurs provided investment capital, they are also given training and mentorship in book-keeping, entrepreneurship, and small business management.

To date, we have financed over 25 micro-entrepreneurs including lease-to-own schemes for cab and truck drivers, market stalls for widows, the destitute and the disabled, among others. We have grown with our entrepreneurs over time – today, some beneficiaries are not just homeowners with our financing help, but landlords!