Our Causes


Underprivileged Groups

People in the bottom 20% of the pyramid are struggling to get their life essentials. We work with neglected groups like abandoned and terminally-ill children, widows, the disabled and those with special needs - where neither the government nor the community can afford to attend to their basic needs. We are often their last hope.


$3,000/ $50,000


In a country with >90% unemployment, to give communities a hope of a better life, it is imperative to foster, mentor and finance entrepreneurs who will become agents of change and sparks to ignite a virtuous cycle of economic activity in their low-income communities. Donate now to help us launch 30 micro-entrepreneurs every year.


$50,000/ $500,000


More than 50% of Uganda's population is under 15 - educating the next generation is the single most catalytic tool to drive systemic change in this low-income nation. Our goal is to provide quality education and educational opportunities to talented children, irrespective of their economic circumstances.


$12,000/ $300,000


Driving Change, Transforming Lives


Who We Are


The Driven2Change Foundation is a not-for-profit organization focused on driving economic and social change in communities in Uganda, and East Africa at large. 

The Driven2Change Foundation was founded in January 2016 as the philanthropic arm of the Driven Group, with the intention of driving communities in Uganda forward via high impact interventions in the seminal areas of education and entrepreneurship.

We have no endowment, but rather harness the power of our grassroots fundraising, our group of dynamic volunteers and donors, and our creativity in developing low-cost but high-impact interventions and initiatives.

Our Initiatives


Leg-Up Program: Creating Microentrepreneurs

Patricia is a young lady living in the urban slums, a child of an HIV/AIDS widow, who was left out of work by her foreign employers (who fled the country with 7 months of her wages unpaid) and going through the holiday period in hunger and abject poverty, without a daily meal for herself and her mother. The Driven2Change Foundation gave her a donation of over 50 pairs of shoes valued at over $1,000 as initial inventory for her to open a shoe store in her slum. She also received 3 months’ rent for her stall and 1 year’s training and mentorship in financial and small business management from Driven2Change volunteers.

The Annual Needy Children's Christmas Drive

For Christmas 2016, with over 10 volunteers and 30 donors, we donated to 3 recipients: the Sanyu Babies Home (rescues abandoned babies, most dumped in local toilets or left in plantations by young mothers unable to afford them or shunned as victims of rape), the Angel’s Center (a pioneer education centre for children with special needs and disabilities – culturally such children are often abandoned or killed, and receive no government support), and the Bless A Child Foundation (a free home taking care of poor children with cancer and their accompanying caregivers, inclusive of their transport bills to the city for treatment, their daily food, their medical bills).

Relief Efforts: Help for Kimi Island

In the wee hours of October 15, 2017, a fire broke out on Kimi Island in Lake Victoria. Its 7,000 residents woke up to find the island ablaze. The inferno took with it all the residents' makeshift wooden homes, the only clinic/health centre on the island, all boats that could move the frightened residents off the island - every business, every structure was razed to the ground within minutes. In light of the government's slow response, the Driven2Change Foundation joined the private relief efforts aiding the residents of Kimi Island, donating over 500 articles of clothing, numerous pairs of shoes, beddings and coats/jackets to contribute to their immediate needs.

Our Upcoming Initiatives


EdVentures: Scholarship for Exceptional Students Initiative

The Scholarship for Exceptional Students Initiative helps East Africa’s most talented students, regardless of their economic circumstances, gain and exploit a unique competitive advantage to gain admission to the world’s most competitive universities, and achieve their full potential. Our entire premise is to help gifted students, from poor backgrounds, to embark on a transformational journey. We long to see our scholars walk the halls of Ivy Leagues.

National Writing Competition

The National Student Writing Competition is an opportunity for students across the country – from ages 6 to 17 – to express themselves about their circumstances and their community, to develop their writing and effective communication skills, and to be published in Voices of the East African Child, a photo-book compilation of selected essay entries. Across the region, we will be developing a more confident, more eloquent and more influential youth base, empowered with a voice.


The ACIA Camp is a one week intensive technology and innovation camp for youth aged 13-19 who have an expressed interest or passion for technology for development. The camp will host up to 50 children per year, at least half of whom – having participated and placed in the Uganda Communication Commission’s ACIA Rising Star and Technology Explorers annual national competitions – will attend the camp for free. All campers will experience the opportunity to learn from some of the world’s leading technology firms and minds.


Donate Today!

We cannot do what we do without your generous support. And every little bit helps to transform the lives of those we serve. Please give even $1 today - donate by clicking button below.

Testimonials from Our Volunteers



Volunteering with the Driven2Change Foundation was a life-changing experience. What impressed me most is how the local donors and recipients, despite their own circumstances, give so much. The awesome director of the Bless A Child Foundation was so inspiring – starting a children’s cancer home with the little he was earning as a clown. He emphasized the need for passion, the importance of giving what you have (time or money) – I was so touched and so challenged.


I had been a donor to the Driven2Change Foundation for years, but the opportunity to volunteer directly with the recipients today allowed me to see first-hand the amazing work they do. I learned to truly appreciate the need to commit even more to making the world a better place. Bless A Child’s work with cancer children was the highlight for me – with meager resources and truckloads of compassion, they are transforming lives. Which is exactly what drives the Driven2Change Foundation.

Testimonial from Our Recipients & Partners


"At the Bless A Child Foundation, we have worked with the Driven2Change Foundation for over 5 years now. They have provided to our cancer home for children a number of Christmas blessings over the years including a playroom one year, clothes and beddings for kids another, and most essential of all, months' supply of food - to meet our home's most basic and pressing need."


Our Beloved Sponsors
